Rules of Writers United

At Writers United, we uphold ten fundamental rules that guide our community's creative journey. These rules are not just guidelines; they are essential for fostering a collaborative and respectful environment where every writer can thrive. If you are considering joining our group, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with these principles, as they lay the foundation for our interactions and the overall functioning of our server and groups. Understanding these rules will help you integrate seamlessly into our community and contribute meaningfully to our collective goals. We invite you to review them carefully and hope that you will choose to become a part of our vibrant writing family!

Be a good human.

Kindness and respect are expected from our members at all times, even when they disagree with something. There is no tolerance for bigotry of any sort in Writers United spaces.

Don't like, don't read.

We all can't like everything we come across, so when you do come across something you don't like, scroll past it and simply don't engage with the content. Curate your own experience, and make sure you take care of yourself.

turned on desk lamp beside pile of books
turned on desk lamp beside pile of books
black framed eyeglasses and black pen
black framed eyeglasses and black pen
a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen
a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen
Don't yuck someone's yum.

We all have our squicks or things we don't like in fiction and in real life, but in Writers United, we leave those opinions to ourself. There will be no trashing of anyone's likes in our spaces.

No kink or topic shaming.

Practice Your kink is not my kink and that's okay. Some people are going to have kinks and fetishes we don't agree with, and in Writers United, there's no room for shaming people for what they like.

You must be 18 or older.

Our spaces feature conversations that are adult orientated and not appropriate for minors. If you are found to be under 18, you will be removed from our spaces.

white and pink flowers on white printer paper
white and pink flowers on white printer paper
open book on brown wooden table
open book on brown wooden table
assorted-title book lot
assorted-title book lot
No unsolicited critiques.

If someone doesn't ask for critiques, we don't offer them. Some people are happy with what they have written as it is, and picking apart someone's work without their permission just is bad form.

No explicit images.

Do not post any explicit images without censoring them, especially on Facebook. There are areas in our Discord server that are marked specifically NSFW, and you may be able to post there, provided it abides by Discord's rules.

Promos are allowed.

You can post your work anytime you like in our spaces, just be mindful of the channel in Discord, and make sure it is topic appropriate for the group on Facebook.

coffee latte near white wireless keyboard and Apple EarPods on the table photography
coffee latte near white wireless keyboard and Apple EarPods on the table photography
black flat screen tv turned on at the living room
black flat screen tv turned on at the living room
silver MacBook showing application
silver MacBook showing application
No Underage or Beastiality

Both Discord and Facebook do not allow this subject matter, and while I know it is allowed on some sites, to be safe we do not allow it in Writers United spaces.

Write and have fun doing it.

Really, that's what it is all about! Write stories, share them, and have people read them, and have a great time doing it!

fountain pen on spiral book
fountain pen on spiral book